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Reiki Tummo Level 3A

Reiki Tummo Level 3A

This course can be taken after 30 days of practicing RT Level 2.


  •  Mass healing - send equal amounts of energy to unlimited number recipients
  • Developing all the seven major chakras
  • Advanced TUMMO technique
  • Letting the Divine blessing surpass the limitations of time, space and distance more completely
  • Large improvemnet in quantity and quality of energy
  • Programming objects to become a active energy channels
  • Attunement to the 8th Chakra (Shing Chi)- a higher energy than reiki -


After RT 3A you do not need to use Reiki energy, you can now use Chakra 8 energy for better results.


The pre-requisite to attend the first Spiritual Retreat is RT3A, Meditation Workshop & Kundalini Workshop.


Spiritual Retreats for more adavanced lessons and attaining Soul Consciousness are 3 days long and held once a year in Europe


Pricing:   RT3A = 305eu

Package: RT3A + Meditation + Kundalini = 625eu

    305,00 €Price

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